About us

The establisher of the company actively participates in promoting the program internationally and organising investors since the launch of the Hungarian Residency Bond Program, 2013. The company performs under the mandate of more companies authorized by the Hungarian Parliament Economic and IT Commitment for the appliment of the settlement bond.


in Hungary

Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals was amended by the law-making body in Hungary, the parliament, by adopting Act CCXX of 2012. Act CCXX of 2012 disposes and also regulates issuing of residence permits with reference to national economic interest.

in Malta

Since 2004, Malta is a member of the European Union and since 2007 is part of the Schengen area, in addition to this it is a part of the British Commonwealth. The perfect combination of political and economic stability puts Malta on a par with major European countries. Economic growth was 5.1% in 2015; the country's credit rating is A with a positive outlook. The base currency is the Euro.


in Malta

The safest and most respected investment citizenship program in the world. A Maltese passport not only provides the advantages of EU citizenship, but also makes the holder a citizen of the British Commonwealth of Nations.


in Hungary

What is the Hungarian Residency Bond Program? Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals was amended by the law-making body in Hungary, the parliament, by adopting Act CCXX of 2012. Act CCXX of 2012 disposes and also regulates issuing of residence permits with reference to national economic interest. The law states that the third-country citizen who...



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