What is the Hungarian Residency Bond Program?

Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals was amended by the law-making body in Hungary, the parliament, by adopting Act CCXX of 2012. Act CCXX of 2012 disposes and also regulates issuing of residence permits with reference to national economic interest. The law states that the third-country citizen who applies verifies that he/she or a company in which he/she holds a majority stake own(s) a security with a face value of at least EUR 300 000 and with a maturity of at least five years which security is issued by an enterprise recognised by Hungarian government. The full text of the Act is included in the Annex No1.


Guareanteed by the Hungarian State

Why it is worth to buy bonds?

Under the program, in the one-time, 5-year government bond investment the applicant and hisfamily can obtain a lifelong residence permit in Hungary, which provides free travel in the Schengen area. The program features a fast and simple administration, contrary to the general application process.

Why is Hungary?

Hungary is a member state of the EU since 2004, and joined the Schengen Agreement in 15November, 2007. In comply with the Schengen Agreement the border control between the joined countries is abolished, the control of the area outside the border is carried out jointly. Different countries police, administrative and judicial bodies support each other through intergovernmental cooperation in detecting and preventing violations.

The parties to the Schengen Agreement, but are not currently using following countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria.

The parties to the Schengen Agreement, but non-EU member countries are: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway.



€ 300.000

Investment in government bonds

€ 60.000

Administration fee


All foreign citizens and close relatives who meet the requirements and comply with the terms of Act CCXX of 2012 namely

  • they are in possession of a valid travel document;
  • those who do not come under the scope of SIS warning related to admission or residence ban or international arrest warrant;
  • They are in possession of necessary amount of EUR 300 000 and administration fee of minimum 60.000 EUR.

How many people can share in preferences by buying one package of bonds?

In case of purchasing of a EUR 300 000 bond package the bond purchaser, and close relatives specified in the application under the family reunification program obtain permanent residence permit.

What does close relative mean?

A close relative of bond purchaser should be understood as a spouse (husband or wife), their dependent children living in common household, and parents supported by investor.

Aggregate preferences cannot be given to other relatives.

Necessary documents

  • Passport copy (each Member of the family)
  • Confirmation of Birth Certification (each Member of the family)
  • Confirmation of Marriage Certification (If the Investor is not married for any reason, the current status must be demonstrated (divorcement, dead e.c.t)
  • Confirmation of Criminal Certificate (each Member of the family over 14 years)

If the child is over 18

  • Certificate of School Attendance in English
  • Property declaration
  • Six-month certificate of bank accounts

If the investor brings his parents

  • Retired Institute's Certificated, e.t.c
  • Six-month certificate of bank accounts
  • Parental support agreement
  • Confirmation of Marriage Certificate

Government institutions


Quick permanent residency

Registration of a life-long residence permit in just 30 working days

Return the whole investment

After 5 years the state guarantees the return of the investment

Program for you and your family

Spouse, minor children, dependent adult children without restrictions on age and dependent parents of the investor can be included in the application for Hungarian permanent residence

You don't have to live in Hungary

No requirement to live in Hungary. Hungarian permanent residence doesn’t have to reside in the country even for a single day

Safety and Prosperity

Hungary is a suitable place for establishing a family and raising children, the European Union is one of the safest, most stable places.

Freedom of Movement

As part of The Schengen Area, all residents of Hungary can easily travel and move between many countries.

Free Health Care

In Hungary we have a taxpayer-funded universal healthcare system. Every person in the country can access free healthcare.

High Quality Education

An increasingly growing number of international students are pouring into Hungary’s universities and colleges every year.


1Administration - 7 days
The investor and his family members should submit the filled in and signed forms of “Application Form” and “Data sheet” transferred to them by us, as well as the apostille birth certificate of the investor, of his spouse and their dependent children living in common household, and the apostille birth certificate of parents supported by investor, the apostille Certificates of Good Moral Character and their apostille marriage certificates. We will do certified translation of the personal documents at the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd. (“OFFI”)!
2Contracting - 2 hours (14 days abroad)
The investor will sign the contracts required for the participation in the Hungarian Residency Bond Program.
After signing the contract the investor will fulfil his liability due under the contract by transferring 300,000 EUR for the bonds specified in the contract, and administration fee of minimum 60,000 EUR. In the case of international transfers the probable duration of crediting: 2 days
4Submission of the application for permanent residence permit In Hungary - 2 days
The application(s) for the permanent residence permit will be submitted in person at the Hungarian Office of Immigration and Nationality within 2 working days following the crediting of the price of the bond and the administration fee. At the same time the biometric data of the investor and his family members will be taken and their signature will be verified.
5Abroad, at the Embassy of Hungary - 14 days
The documents necessary for the submission of the application will be delivered to the investors by courier service within 5 working days following the crediting of the price of the bond and the administration fee. You can submit the application(s) for the permanent residence permit at the competent Embassy according to the nationality in person, in compliance with previously asked time by us. At the same time the biometric data of the investor and his family members will be taken and their signature will be verified.
6Personal appearance is required in both cases! - 30 min / person
The required documents (per person):
  • Original copy of valid passport,
  • Document attesting residence in Hungary (e.g. visa),
  • Photocopy of each numbered page of the passport,
  • Tenancy Agreement, or in case of own property certified copy of the title deed
  • Certified copy of the title deed of the rented property,
  • 2 ID photos/person,
  • Fee stamps for 18.000 HUF/ 60 EUR,
  • Certified translation of apostille marriage certificate,
  • Certified translations of apostille birth certificates and the apostille
  • Certificates of Good Moral Character
  • Certified translations of apostille documents proofing the providing support for family members,
Submission of the applications of the investor and his family members may differ in time, since the family members will obtain the rights provided by the program through family reunification.
7Consideration of the applications and issuing of permits
The submitted applications will be considered in accelerated proceedings at the Hungarian Office of Immigration and Nationality; in the case of positive decision on the application the permanent residence permit will be issued. Time limit for the decision: 30 days Time limit for the production: 21 days
8Receipt of the permanent residence permit
The produced card / cards will be received and dispatched for the investor by our company according to the instructions of the investor. The permanent residence permit may also be received personally in Hungary by the investor or his agent or it may be delivered by courier to an address specified by the investor.
9Verification of the subscription to bond - 45 days
The process of underwriting government bonds financed by the investor starts at the day of issuing the permanent residence permit, at the end of the process the company authorized by the Economic and Information Technology Committee of the Hungarian Parliament for underwriting government bonds will issue the bond to the investor. The security produced in such way will be delivered for the investor in the manner specified by investor.
10Receipt of the identity card - 8 days
Investor can initiate applying for ID card and address card at the Hungarian National Single Window with the produced permanent residence permit and with the Decision of the Hungarian Office of Immigration and Nationality.